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Category: Floating Menu Script
Floating Menu Script -> external file (*.js)

1) Script Title: Floating Menu Script

2) Script URL (on DD):

3) Describe problem:
How can I put this script in an external file?

1) Script Title: Floating Menu Script

2) Script URL (on DD):

3) Describe problem:
How can I put this script in an external file?

Hi balltennis.

You just need to copy the script and paste it right above the </BODY> tag of your webpage.

That's all.

If you need to copy a javascript in an external file (if I understand your question), you just have to copy it in the file where your webpage is situated. But this is not the case for this script.

I don't want it in the body. But I have tried to make an external .js file with the code in it, and it won't work. Am I doing something wrong, or is it just impossible?

Hi balltennis.

You just need to copy the script and paste it right above the </BODY> tag of your webpage.

That's all.

If you need to copy a javascript in an external file (if I understand your question), you just have to copy it in the file where your webpage is situated. But this is not the case for this script.

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